
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

ありし日のカンヌ映画祭 (2012年 カルロス・レイガダス監督の映画「闇のあとの光」) My favorite photo of Gilles at Canne Film Festival 2012 2012/05/24


サウンドエンジニア時代の仕事で一番華やかだった瞬間は、2012年のカンヌ国際映画祭かもしれません。カンヌ映画祭の常連、メキシコ人監督のカルロス・レイガダスの「闇のあとの光」(原題“Post Tenebras Lux”)で監督や出演者と供にレッドカーペットへ。


Maybe the most briliant moment in his lifetime as a sound enigineer was the time of Canne Film Festival in 2012 with the film titled "The light after darkness". The director Carlos Raygadas is a sort of regular person in this festival. He received the award of 'The Best Director' in this year, after the storm of both applause and booing due to a unique and strange story of the film. In his private life, he had just received the second daughter.



One summer before this festival in 2011, we stayed in the town called Cuernavaca in Mexico, with our first daughter who had just become one year old. (The photo was taken on the top of the mountain in this town.)  We already knew that the second baby was in my belly.



Gilles worked with Carlos three times. The first two films called "Japon"(which received the award of 'camera d'or') and "Battle in Heaven" were screened in Tokyo International Film Festival in 2009, the year I met with him by coincidence, and the third one was commercially screened for the first time in Japan in 2013 and its DVD has been released.
