
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

パパ、お誕生日おめでとう。Happy Birthday, Papa.





Today is the first Gilles' birthday after his death. The 16th of September. 47th...

We were almost the same age, but my birthday is January so he was 'older' than I for only four months. Only in this period of time, I was joking, saying 'I am the younger one'. But we will not enjoy this joke anymore.


数ヶ月前に娘たちがそれぞれiPad Proで書いた「パパ」です。



My daughters drew 'papa' by my iPad Pro a few months ago. (The first one is drawn by the first daughter, the second by the second.)

'Do you want to paint papa?' ... they showed no hesitation.


↑ 長女が書いたのは、一度枕辺に現れたという「金色の輪の中に入った」パパ。

She drew him inside the golden circle, which she says, is how he appeared once in her dream.




She draw him precisely, with little amount of hair. 'He used to say his hair is always on vacance.'...we always remember those jokes that he was making.




'Papa used to say like this', 'Used to do like this', 'Maybe he's doing like this now too' 'Yes, he will be'... in this way we still speak a lot about him as the fourth member of the family, calling him sometimes as 'Papa the ghost' (which the second daughter named), as if he is still somewhere around.



 'We can not have new memories about him, so let's speak a lot about what we have until today'... this is my suggestion, and they accept it quite naturally.




I wish they won't just say 'Ah, I don't remeber so much about him because he passed away when I was little'... I do not know what is the best way for them to remeber him, but I wish they will find their original way to speak about him.