
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

松村さんへの手紙。その2 ”Dear Matsumura-san” from Gilles, no.2



After Gilles actually met Matsumura-san, he decided to make a film. And he visited the place again to take photos. Here is a letter he wrote in his own Japanese expressing the gratitude to Matumura-san at that time. I copy and paste it below.



撮影は2014年10月2日。松村さんに案内してもらって、彼の生活圏をロケハンして回ったようです。This photo was taken on 2nd or Ocboter, 2014. He had Matsumura-san as his own guide in the area.




(原文:the original text by Gilles, on 4th of October, 2014)


松村さん、 おとといについて ありがとう ございました。 私に ほんとう に おもしろかた。;松村さんにめんどくさくなかったとねがいます。 木曜日にあってからおもしろいことをいっしょにできるとおもうので映画に がんばりつづけます。 Let's keep in touch. ローラン ジル


(translation by Reiko today)

Daer Matsumura-san, thank you very much for the day before yesterday. I enjoyed it so much. I hope it was not boring for you. After I met you on thursday, I am thinking that I can do something interesting with you and I am determined to make efforts for the film. Let's keep in touch. Gilles Laurent