
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

ベルギーの家族とともに、これからも。My Belgian family


ベルギーの家族写真。義父がスクエア型のマグネットにして送ってくれたので、コラージュして飾っています。These are family photos of Belgian side. My father-in-law made thse magnet types and sent them to me. 



I knew Gills was finally dead on this day of exactly one year ago. So 27th of March is like a second unforgettable anniversary for me.


行方不明が告げられた4日前と同じく「玲子、スカイプでコールして」という義妹からの1行だけのメールを見たときは、ついに・・と思いました。スカイプをオンにすると、私の顔を心配そうに覗き込む家族たちの顔。そして少しの間をおいて" Reiko. Gilles is dead"と聞かされたときは、少しの覚悟があったとはいえ、思わず背中が仰け反り両手で顔を覆ったまま天を仰ぐような姿になりました。その瞬間のことは、一生忘れられないでしょう。

 I saw an email saying 'please call us by skype,Reiko' on this morning from my sister-in-law, exactly like the morning of 23rd. I had prepared my feeling a little bit, and I saw faces of my family members in Belgium. They were looking at me with worried faces, and told me after one pause. "Reiko, Gilles is dead". My body went backward and I looked up the sky covering my face with my hands.


「彼が望んでいたお葬式の形は知っている? ・・わかった、じゃあそうするから。(あなたがベルギーに来るのを)待っているからね。心を強く持つのよ。」と。

"Do you know what kind of funeral he wanted ? .... Ok, we will do in that way. We will be waiting for you".



They alerady knew that he was dead in the evening of 26th. The police came to my sister-in-law's house in Brussels first, and she went to another sister's place and so on...finally everybody was in Bouillon where my parents-in-law live. They avoided to tell by phone and they gathered in this way. When we spoke by skype, I think they had already cried a lot and they had waited until I called.



My precious family members in Belgium. We all used to get along and we visited each other often when we were living there for three years. Belgium is a small country and we could drive to each other's place easily. They lost the center of the family and are still in great grieve. Our bonds are tighter, but the loss is still huge.



But our bright topic is Gilles' children. We all hope for their growth as they are the ones Gilles left. Now we do not see him anymore on screen of Skype, but the energetic girls appear, jumping and making funny faces.