
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

私のスピーチ、東京でのお別れ会にて My speech at the farewell party for Gilles in Tokyo 2016/06/19

 皆様、本日は本当に各方面から、ありがとうございました。この3ヶ月、言葉にならない思いと過ごしてきました。今日という日付は、春分(the vernal equinox)の日の翌日彼が亡くなったことから、約3ヶ月後の夏至のころにしようと思い立ったうえでのことでしたが、夏至(summer solstice)付近の日曜日を選ぶと、奇しくも長女、鈴の誕生日の翌日。そして私の両親の結婚記念日、父の日であり、満月・・と不思議が重なりました。

 Thank you very much again everybody. I spent these three months with an undescribable feeling. The 19th of June … the date of this ceremony was decided as the closest Sunday to the summer solstice, as he passed away just one day after the vernal equinox. Strangely, it was just one day after our first daughter Suzu’s birthday, my parents’ marriage anniversary, Father’s day, and almost full moon…



I realies it was just seven years that I live wit Gilles. We were almost the same age, and seven years out of 46 years of our lives. But in this short while, my life turned dramatically and my point-of –view expanded tremendously, as Europe is connected more to the broad world. More than everything, I received two precious daughters and I cannot express how thankful to him about this fortune. There was a cart distributed to the visitors of the funeral in Belgium. What I wrote for him was…’Gilles-chan, thank you very much for appearing in my life and changing it wonderfully.’ This is all what I want to say.

 先日、ふとしたときに、次女のりりが私に聞きました。「ママ、死ぬっていうのは、治らないんだよね? ケガや病気は治るけど、死ぬ、は治らないんだよね」と。

The other day, our second daughter Lili asked or confirmed me. “ Mama, the death cannot be cured, can it. Injury and sickness can be cured. But death cannot.”


Meeting and parting is always one-set in the life. But normally we will be able to meet each other if we are living sometime somewhere. But this time I know that I will not see him anymore in this world. When I’m in front of this fact, the fact feels like a wall and I miss him deeply from the bottom of my heart. We argued sometimes. But now I realize that arguing,or getting along.. everything is the action because we are human. Because we expect something to each other. When I encounter the action that is completely inhuman, it was more than clear.


Gilles and I trusted each other. Now we belong to the different world, the earth and heaven, our relationship will continue forever.



 Thank you very much for attending today.