
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

ベルギーでの上映スケジュール The schedule of the screening in Belgium


(写真はジルの映画撮影時期、福島県南相馬市の風景。The photo shows Minami-soma city, Fukushima, when he was shooting the film. ) 写真提供:山本啓介氏




The schedule of the screening of the film in Belgium is now open. I feel happy to know that the famous BOZAR and the cinema-complex in Flagey where we used to go together are included.


9月27日火曜日  ナミュールにて 


27/09/16 - 20h00 in Namur for the day of the Belgian French Community 


9月29日木曜日 モンスにて 


29/09/16 in Mons for the opening of the Week-end of the documentary


10月5日水曜日 夜8時 ブリュッセル アートセンターBOZARにてビッグ・プレビュー

05/10/16 - 20h00 in Brussels for the big first preview in the capital at Bozar. 


10月12日水曜日~11月24日木曜日 ブリュッセル フラジェ広場の


12/10/16 - in Brussels the beginning of several screenings at Flagey (differents dates to be confirmed)




10月25日火曜日 ジルの故郷、ブイヨンにて ある学校で昼夜2回上映

25/10 in Bouillon (one school screening during the day and one screening at night)