
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

素敵な似顔絵。Portrait of the family


Here is a porrait of our family members drawn recently by a Japanese artist who lives in Belgium, Satoemi-san



The other day one of my precious friends in Belgium, K-san asked me to send a recent photo of my two daughters. She was just saying that she wanted to see a new one after a long while. I was also simply happy to know tha she cares.



Then after some weeks, I received this drawing. It was almost the timing of one year anniversary after Gilles' death.



This is a world of pink and beige, full of living energy. I knew of the artist Satoemi-san and had seen some samples of other families in magazines and some websited, but this was the first time for me to see a real one. I was surprised to feel the warmth in my hand, althoug it looks flat when taken as a picture like this. I realised that all of us have kind of similar eyes... it was a funny feeling.



You can see some rainbows here. K-san told me that she saw them before and after Gilles' funeral and notice that it was some kind of messge from him. I had a similar experience at the same time as her, and I remembered about its importance.



Actually there was another version, a holizontal one. K-san thougt about two girls and had asked her to draw two so that each girl can keep one in the future.



Thank you very much... K-san and Satoemi-san.