
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

「残されし大地」になるまでのタイトル案あれこれ。Ex-options for the title of the film.




Before decideing the final title of the Japanese title 'Nokosareshi Daichi', I had some other options.



There was actually a kind of 'deadline' for the title. It was when NHK decided to broadcast the news about Gilles' film on 27th of August. I wanted to take this opportunity as a chance to let people know the Japanese title. I kept thinking and thinking as an editor myself.


 It was the time when this film was sort of 'reborn' as a Japanese film. At the same time I realise that all the options which I finally gave up also expressed the ideas about the film itself.


The land which used to be beautiful

The land which is still beautiful

The land of life

The land and life

They all show that I wanted to emphasies the fact that 'life' still existed clearly there. The land was poisoned, but maybe ironically it was still shining beautifully. Also, about Gilles who risked his life to make this film... I had prefered the titles which involved this fact.


そしてそれから、しばらく経って。今年に入ってすぐ、ジルのハードディスクの中に残されていた「タイトル案」らしきものを見つけた時も、相当にびっくりしました。日付は2016年1月21日で、亡くなる2ヶ月ほど前。彼も一番最初につけた"La Terre Abandonnée"から迷っていたに違いないのです。たくさんあります。とても面白いです。

Later, I found Gilles' word file in which he had listed up all the options for the title. The document's date was 21st of January, 2016, which is just two months before his death. I was surprised to know that he was also thinking about other options. Then finally he had chosen the very original title 'La terre Abandonnée'. I did not know about this process.

Here are lots of ex-options. There are many and they all sound interesting.


Les absents






Horizon absent






Point de fuite



Echappée (belle)



Ce temps qui passe



Le monde d’après. (La vie après)



Les survivants



L’âge de terre



L’ère d’après



Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent ?



C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde.



Au soleil couchant




His thought was floating through these options... then he had strongly chosen the original one. We had exprienced the same kind of logical moment. Also, here we can see lots of different impressions and themes which he had discovered by himself in the process of editing.



Our first daughter's name, then the second one's name... finally we had been sort of 'disccusing' about the tile of this film at different times. I realise this film was our 'third child' ... definitely. It will keep living as if it was so.




松村さんファンクラブ その2 Photos of Matsumura-san vol. 2 



These are the photos which Gilles took in 2015 while he was preparing the script of the film. I showed other ones the other day in this blog and they were welcome to readers, then this is sort of volume 2. 

Here you can feel the free spirit of Matsumura-san again.









ピカピカの一年生。A new student is born.



Our first daughter entered primary school this spring.



Now the daily schedule is reset and I really feel this spring is a new start. Perhas as well because it is finally over one year after Gilles' death anniversary... Of course I felt a little bit sad about the fact that only one parent could participate the ceremony,  but it was nice to see her starting school safely in this way.



Fortunately it was a fine day with full of cherry blossoms on the day of the ceremony. She was trying to catch flower petals which were blown off by the wind. Here I uploaded though from far away.



Gilles, she is full of energy !!






お陰様で、東京での上映は当初の予定4週間から、6週間に延長しています。今の予定では4月21日(金)まで、東京・渋谷のシアター・イメージフォーラムにて上映! まだ地方はこれからですし、全国的なロングランになるように是非、ご協力をお願いいたします。

朝日新聞 3月22日の夕刊記事 英語訳 An article from Asahi Newspaper Company, on 22nd of March



Here is an article from Asahi Newspaper Company, evening edition of 22nd of March, which is Gilles’ death anniversary. The journalist is Mrs. Erina Ito, who wrote a column called ‘A person’ about me the other day.
She went to Mr. and Mrs. Sato’s place in Minamisoma city and she called my sisters-in-law, Sylvie and Alice on skype.
Normally I translte my blog by myself, but just as for newspaper articles, I depend on my father. Then here is another piece of his work.

The Asahi Shimbun (Evening paper)  March 22 (Wednesday), 2017

The aspiration that fell down by terrorism

Still exists in the film “Fukushima”


Just one year after the Belgian Accident, the Director’s posthumous work is now being released

One year passed since March 22 from the double terrorism attacks that happened last year in Belgium. The documentary film which the late Mr. Gilles Laurent (46 at that time), one of the victims, shot in Fukushima Prefecture after the nuclear power plant accident, when he was living in Japan, is now being opened to the public. The performers and the families of the deceased desire that many people would look sincerly at their proof of lives.


About 370 people were killed or wounded due to the acts of terrorism at the airport and in the subway. The late Mr. Laurent who was nearby the criminal who blew himself up passed away in the subway on his way to the studio in order to edit his film.


“I couldn’t imagine Mr. Laurent to be attacked by terrorism.” says Mrs. Toshiko Sato who lives and appears on the scene, in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture. She met him while she happened to be there as an interpretation guide.


Mr. Laurent was originally a sound engineer. He was blessed with two daughters whose mother is a Japanese, Mrs. Reiko Udo, and came to Japan in 2013. He became to know the strength of the people in Fukushima who are rooted deeply in their land, even after the nuclear power plant disaster, and made up his mind to film the scenes as a director.


Toward Kodaka-Ward of the above City where Mrs. Satoh lives, after the nuclear power plant accident, the Japanese government issued the instructions to evacuate. It was at the very time when she was preparing to come back to her own house that she met Mr. Laurent. “Oversea media often take up the situation about Fukushima where nobody is there. But I think they have to know that there are also people who are looking straight forward.” She conveyed her thought like this to Mr. Laurent, just standing “chatting together”. Then she was asked of, “Please let me collect the data.” by him.


Mr. Laurent aimed the camera at the scene of Mr. and Mrs. Sato, who came back to visit their grave and later they gathered together with their friends first time in a long while. Mrs. Sato says looking back at the time. “He never insisted on anything loudly, but he surely wanted to convey the Fukushima’s present state with his strong will.” After Mr. Laurent’s death, his filming staff took over the editing and completed the film “LA TERRE ABANDONNÉE”.


“Gilles was an existence like the sun.” says Alice (42) who is a younger sister of Mr. Laurent living in Belgium. And she feels that her sadness over her brother’s death will be similar to sorrow of the victims of nuclear power plant accident. Mr. Laurent’s elder sister, Sylvie (52) desires from her heart, “I can feel Gilles’ gentle gaze from the film’s scenes. He loved Nature so much. I hope that lots of Japanese people would also watch the film.”

The film is now being screened at the Theater Image Forum located in Shibuya-Ward, Tokyo Metropolis. And it’s to be continuously opened nationwide one after another.            

(Erina Itoh)

・The upper-side photo: Mr. Gilles Laurent filming in Fukushima Prefecture. Offered by Mrs. Reiko Udo.

・The lower-side photo: One scene in the film.

・The lowest part of photo: Mrs. Toshiko Sato, and her husband Mr. Tamotsu Sato, talking about Gilles’ memories.



松村さんファンクラブ。Photos of Matsumura-san



The main person in the film, Mr. Naoto Matsumura. Here I show the photos which Gilles took when he went to Tomioka-town in the autumn of 2014.




Gilles was joking, saying Matsumura-san looks like Marlon Brando sometimes.

Mr. Okuyama, the distributing producer says he also has an atmosphere similar to Kinji Fukasaku, a Japanese famous film direcor. He is that photogenic.




This is a small photo exhibition of Matsumura-san. Here you can see the old JR station of Tomioka which has disappeared now, and the ostrich called Momoko which also has been dead now.

















知ってもらわなくちゃ。It is important to be known.


I saw paretns of high school students who were found dead yesterday in those snowy mountains on TV and cried together. I can really understand their feelings as a family. At the same time, I thought they were so brave that they could speak in front of cameras.

Today of one year ago, I flew to Paris for Gilles' funeral. (Brussels airport was closed and I flew there and moved to Brussels by Talys.) My emotion was too much and I was never able to reveal the fact that my husband was missing to mass media. I just hid it except my friends from work, family members, and close friends who had recent contacts. I left my kids to my parents and flew to Europe with a devastated heart.
Inside the airplane, I saw the film 'My little Prince and I'. It was a film which Gilles took kids with and had liked it very much, saying 'It was a good film for adults too. It is about how to be free.' My emotion was too much again.
On 31st of March, when the funeral was finished, I saw an article of New York Times about Gilles. When I read it, my eys were caught for one line, 'He was making a film of Fukushima', Actually I had forgot completely about the film until then. But at this moment my new motivation was born. I did not want his death to result in vain. I found something to do. I sent an email to my boss of my workplace right away to ask if I was able to accept offers from mass media.
A while later, I actually had an email from a Brussels branch of a Japanese newspaper company. They had found my name sounding definitely like that of Japanese and they wanted to know about my feeling and what kind of person Gilles was. The email was very polite and I visited their office very cowardly. The article was issued about one month later, which was the timing of two weeks later from Kumamoto eartuquake and the article became a little bit small.
I am surprised with the change tha happened after one year. I wonder where my cowardness went. Now I accept everything. People of the distributing company works really well and their organisation is great. I accepted everything with thankfulness until today. And I never had any bad feelings untin now luckily.
Once I googled my name and I found a word 'attention seeker' coming after space. I was surprised, and at the same time I laughed. I will not deny it because without outstanding, how could I advertise the film ? The director does not exist and the film needs a face. I am determined not to let his death end for nothing.
I realised that one year chaned the situation so much.
私の自己満足でなければいいのだけれども。ジルはそばで見てくれているだろうか。けれども素敵な感想を聞いて涙が出そうになるその時。私じゃなくて、ジルが私の身体を通して泣いているのではないのか、と思う時がある。あれ? 今の涙の感覚はどうも不思議・・これは私の涙ではない、と思うことがある。
I wish it was not my self-satisfaction. I wonder if Gilles is watching me nearby. But sometines I have a strange feeling. When I hear good comments about the film, I have tears in my eys but I feel the tears do not come from me. I feel it comes from Gilles' heart. It is such a strange feeling... my body is just a media at such times.
Mr. Okuyama, the distributing producer was saying to me, 'Udo-san. It is better to decide to be outstanding. It is better not to hesitate. 30 times will not be enough to be known. 100 times can work finally and you will feel the film and you are known.' Maybe it is true... I will still continue to be like an 'attention-seeker' ;)
With so much gratitude.

ベルギーの家族とともに、これからも。My Belgian family


ベルギーの家族写真。義父がスクエア型のマグネットにして送ってくれたので、コラージュして飾っています。These are family photos of Belgian side. My father-in-law made thse magnet types and sent them to me. 



I knew Gills was finally dead on this day of exactly one year ago. So 27th of March is like a second unforgettable anniversary for me.


行方不明が告げられた4日前と同じく「玲子、スカイプでコールして」という義妹からの1行だけのメールを見たときは、ついに・・と思いました。スカイプをオンにすると、私の顔を心配そうに覗き込む家族たちの顔。そして少しの間をおいて" Reiko. Gilles is dead"と聞かされたときは、少しの覚悟があったとはいえ、思わず背中が仰け反り両手で顔を覆ったまま天を仰ぐような姿になりました。その瞬間のことは、一生忘れられないでしょう。

 I saw an email saying 'please call us by skype,Reiko' on this morning from my sister-in-law, exactly like the morning of 23rd. I had prepared my feeling a little bit, and I saw faces of my family members in Belgium. They were looking at me with worried faces, and told me after one pause. "Reiko, Gilles is dead". My body went backward and I looked up the sky covering my face with my hands.


「彼が望んでいたお葬式の形は知っている? ・・わかった、じゃあそうするから。(あなたがベルギーに来るのを)待っているからね。心を強く持つのよ。」と。

"Do you know what kind of funeral he wanted ? .... Ok, we will do in that way. We will be waiting for you".



They alerady knew that he was dead in the evening of 26th. The police came to my sister-in-law's house in Brussels first, and she went to another sister's place and so on...finally everybody was in Bouillon where my parents-in-law live. They avoided to tell by phone and they gathered in this way. When we spoke by skype, I think they had already cried a lot and they had waited until I called.



My precious family members in Belgium. We all used to get along and we visited each other often when we were living there for three years. Belgium is a small country and we could drive to each other's place easily. They lost the center of the family and are still in great grieve. Our bonds are tighter, but the loss is still huge.



But our bright topic is Gilles' children. We all hope for their growth as they are the ones Gilles left. Now we do not see him anymore on screen of Skype, but the energetic girls appear, jumping and making funny faces.