
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

楽しい大阪。Osaka mon amour



















何を隠そう、私の世界3大好きな食べ物は、順不同でトンカツ、ミートソーススパゲッティ、お好み焼き・・^^; オーガニックなものやアイデアも一通り好きですが、もともとは結構B級グルメです。そこに生ビールが加わると最高。











そして、子供たちにとって今、一番嬉しいことは? それは、私がハッピーでニコニコしていることか。だとしたら・・・。














海老蔵さんへのメッセージ。Message to Ebizo-san

For English readers' reference    →  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40378443





7年間の結婚生活・・? それも同じだ。




Mrs. Mao Kobayashi died and left two small kids behind. Four-year-old, and five-year-old.

I was caught with this set of numbers. It is exactly the same age of our kids as when Gilles passed away.

Marriage life of seven years..? That is the same too.

A bit of miraculous partner who spent the short and densed time together, and left something remarkable to us. That feeling perhaps matches too.

Her husband, a famous Kabuki actor Mr. Ebizo Ichikawa says 'Not only now... she left something that we can keep learning.'




He continues, 'When I see our kids, I realize there is something big to carry and to do for me, for our children.' I sensed his worry too in this sentence.





My daughters are now 5 and 7 (as the older one just had her birthday recently). Their father disappeared one day suddenly and it is over one year old. But they are so energetic. Even full of energy. I wonder why sometimes. Why they don't feel sad ? Why they don't suffer from the lack of their papa. We sometimes see kids cheerfully walking with their fathers on the street, and they should be speaking about their fathers sometimes at school, though...




I think the reason is clearly that they had been given all the affection they needed for the rest of their lives. They don't live in the world which is fully logical like adults. Papa's love still exists like shiny air or like a endless fountain around them and they still bathe in this invisible environment.




Simply put, they believe in the world where papa still 'exists' as a ghost and watche over them. Thanks to their youth, they fully believe this system. Or I should say, they are really feeling it with their instinct like animals. So it will never change as they grow up.

I am sure that they will not suffer from the loss of papa. I do not why but I have a confidence.



いつもこの通り。元気すぎて、こんな感じどころじゃないことも(笑)。They are playing together often like this... sometimes too energetic!






He was that affectionate. He was loving the kids that,that much.

Of course Mao-san was pouring her love over their kids so much.

So I would like Ebizo-san to be reassured at least about this fact.

The existence of mama will never be absent.



Mao-san's attitude during her hospitalized life was wonderful.



She remarked, 'If I die now, people would feel it is a pity that I died so young. It is a pity that I left two small kids. Poor woman... But I never would like them to feel in this way. Because the sickness is not the only thing that represent my life.'



Yes, the importance of life never can be measured by its length. It can be measured by how much we shined. How much we felt love. Unfortunately, Gilles was not able to leave a clear written message behind because his death was totally sudden, but I feel what he wanted to say at this moment.



It will be maybe..' The fact that I died of terrorism does not represent my life. I am happy that there happened colorful events in my life. The help was from you, the kids, too...'




To be honest I used to regret a little bit that our meeting was a way to his death for one period. But later I noticed. That way of thinking is sort of arrogant as I am not that powerful and I am not controlling the world and there are things only God knows. He continued to live as he wanted to and after all his path of energy, he finished his life of 46 years, accomplishing something.




Sometimes the death of somebody let people realize the social problems and spread the awareness of common issues. Mao-san's death became a chance to let us think about cancer, its cuteness, the life... and then Gilles' death provided a opportunity to think about terrorism, society gap, history, society, family... It never ends in vain for us to search for a better world.



I was not following Mao-san's blog earnestly before, but I felt like writing something almost impulsively yesterday, learning her attitude, death, and her husband's future concern. I cried when I saw the headline and watched his press conference.




My word is not maybe powerful enough. But I would like to send this message to Ebizo-san.

'Kids will be all right. Forever, definitely, all right! '



そういえば海長女が生まれる直前の2010年の春のこと。今思えば、まさになお婚約会見の直前。海老蔵さんの舞台を銀座の歌舞伎座でジルと一緒に見た。「スターだね。でもまだ若いんだね」と言っていた。At the same time I remembered that I went to see Kabuki which included Ebizo-san's performance in Ginza in the spring of 2010. I realize it was just before their engagement.


ジル・ローラン監督 映画「残されし大地」facebookページhttps://www.facebook.com/nokosareshidaichi/



父不在の父の日 Father's day without father


先日は父の日でしたが、その直前の金曜日。長女が通う学童保育にお迎えに行ったところ、目に飛び込んできたのがこの絵。聞かずとも分かりました、パパだ! そしてすご〜く、似てる!

Yesterday was Father's day in Japan. When I went to the galdrie to pick up my older daughter on Friday, the view of this picture jumped into my eyes. I realised that it was her papa without asking. It really resembles him !



It seems the project of this day was to produce an election poster thinking about their fathers. They chose some names of party and wrote a public commitment. It sounds like bit of interesting subject.



She wrote his name in Japanese below and the shape is not necessarily correct, but with good effort. The names of his party seems 'Party of Kindness and Cool'.(I'm sure he will be happy to hear this.) But the most emotional part is the public commitment. What she wanted him to say the most for the moment was...



Let's play together.



It can never come true in this real life. I started crying as soon as I read this line, then she said 'Yes I knew you were going to cry.' with a nice smile on her face. She has a bit of adult-like mind and at the same time she never looks blue when she speaks about her papa.



I remembered of one story regarding an eletion poster. It was when she was only two-year-old.


私たち家族は当時、ブリュッセルに住んでいました。とある選挙の投票所に彼女を抱っこして連れて行ったジルが、戻ってきてニヤニヤしながら報告してくれました。数多く並んだポスターを前に、「誰にしたい?(Tu veut choisir qui ?)」と聞いたら、長女はニコニコしながら超極右政党のコワもての方を指差したそうです(笑)。いや、それはゴメンねと却下して、もちろんジルはグリーン系政党の誰かに投票したそうですが。

At that time we were living in Brussels. Gilles went to the election with her in his arms and came back with this story. He asked her which person she wanted to choose as a joke,  then she pointed out somebody from an extreme right wing with a smile on her face. He said 'Sorry but let me choose another one', and he voted somebody from green type of party. He was laughing when he told me of this episode.


聞くところによると、ベルギーでは投票に行かない市民には罰金があるのだそう(!) 当然、そうすると投票率はめっちゃ高いです。政治参加って本当はそのくらい大事なことなのかも。権利というより義務。分からないなりに、行かなくてはならないなら調べようという気になります。

I also heard from Gilles that they could be fined if they don't go to elections in Belgium. Then of course the voting rate is always high. Perhaps the participation for politics is that important. It is a duty more than a right. We feel that we should investigate if we have to go even if we don't know so much.



Soon there is going to be an important election in Tokyo too. I realise its importance now.




As for the election for fathers...we will keep voting for Gilles. Our daughters and me.

He does not exist anymore in this real life, then it is an immobile choice.


ひとりでも多くの方に。As many people as possible...



The photo was taken in Ostende by me, in September of 2009.








東京での上映は終わってしまったけれども、日本のどこかで今日も、スクリーンに"La Terre Abandonnée"の文字、"Gilles Laurent"の文字が浮かび上がる、そしてパンフレットを手にしてくれている人がいる・・と思うと、なんだか不思議な感じがします。




あれ? やっぱり帰ってこないのかと。話の出来ない、不思議な空間へと旅立ってしまったジルのことを思います。「もう帰ってこないって、本気?」と話しかけたくなったりもします。









東京では自主上映企画も解禁されています! どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

イギリスの友人たちへ To friends in England




The explosion took away the lives of 22 people in England. The moment I saw the headline, unexplicable sadness appeared inside of me.



I was walling in ordinary Tokyo after that, but tears were coming up to my eyes from the very bottom of my body quietly and I had to fight against that.


悔しくてたまらない! ある一瞬を境にまた生命が消えました。犠牲者の身体から血や熱が奪われていきました。去年の3月22日と同じ。人生が一変した家族が、また増えました。

Such a big shame. Lives dissapeared after just one moment again. The blood and heat were taken away from the bodies of the victims. Just like 22nd of March, 2016. The number of families which moan after a sudden change of live increased.






It was not a natural disaster.

It was not a battle field.

There was not a possibility of air-raids.

They were just enjoying music in the environment which seemed to hold peace until just one moment ago.





I do not want to write about this every time. But here is a very simple fact.

Althoug the quality of death of beloved ones is equal to those who are left,

terrorism is the worst incident in this world.





I would like to shout from the bottom of my heart, 'no more terrorism'.



My heart will be together with friends in England.

「音楽なし」という思い切った選択。Gilles' choice for no music



This is an old iPod of Gilles. I remember he was using it for a while. Actually when he came to Japan for the first time eight years ago, it already looked a bit of old type.



In the film 'La Terre Abandonnée', there is no music added. Only at the last scene the conversation of four women eventually change into chorus of their own voices... that is the only music. When I first watched the film, I was imressed with such surprising editting, as he was a big fan of music himself.



When we met via internet by coincidence, we were exchanging our favorite music sometimes. I only knew famous songs, but his knowledge was wide and was introducing fresh music for me. 



Once he was asked to be a DJ of his friend's wedding party, and lots of music was inside this old iPod editted according to various category from disco to ballade.



Actually he had temporary 'added' opera music to this scene whic eventually became a last one, when I first had a glance at home very soon after he came back from shooting. Well, the that opera sounded slightly sad and beautiful, and it was already expressing that grief was there. I had thought he wanted to edit in this way.



But after his death... I found out that this scene had not been accompanied with additional music. Only the real chorus of women appearing in the film turns into silence and darkness slowly. There was no so-called back ground music throughout the film. 'I do not want to explain too much', that was what he used to say about film-making and I  notice that he followed his rule.



 But at the saime time I realised that no music exist in the real life and to the real feelings in our daily life and we just 'taste' them as it is. There is no need to be kindly planned or designated to feel certain feelings. We feel what we feel and it cannnot be decided by someone else.


それにしても。何度も何度も見てはいますが、このラストシーンに来るとどうしても涙がふっと湧いてきます。というのも、"no music"を選んだというジルの最終的なこだわりが、奇しくも無音の世界=闇、死の世界に向かって行ったジル本人の運命と重なり合っているように感じてしまうからです。「あぁ、もう会話のできない世界にこうして入っていって終ったのだな」と言う事実が改めて私の中に迫ってきます。

I have watched this film many times already, but each time I encounter this last scene, I feel tears appearing in my eys each time. Because I feel that his final choice 'no music but absolute silence' can be connected with the fact of his own death. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the fact that he disappeared into a world where we cannot exchange words anymore.



But this 'coincidence' makes me accept this fact at the same time. The film was completed already 98 percent at the time of his death, and maybe he had accepted this coming death in his unconcious mind.


"no music"という選択が成功したことを讃えつつも。


I would like to celebrate the fact that his final choice 'no music' was successful in the film anyway. It really shows his good taste.

I wonder what sort of music he is listening now in the heaven.


⇩仙台、新潟、山口などでの上映館情報が加わっています! 関西圏では7月頃からの上映予定です。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。


おめでとう、アミアン出身のマクロン氏。Congratulation, Mr. Macron from Amiens


The city Amiens in the northern part in France is where Mr. Macron is from who has been elected for the next President. It is actually where Gilles' film was elected as the best documentary film last autumun in the traditional international film festival.


I hear that this city is called 'Little Venice in north', and known with a garden in the water and a huge cathedral. Its population is 135,000.



This is the poster of the festival. Here you can see a unicorn in the middle and I love this beautiful art. I'm sure that girls like this type of graphic.





Here is the certificate of the award. This unicorn looks like Japanese origami style and it is introducing that the festival is 36th. The combination of black and red is impressive.





Will Mr. Macron be successful as a 'uni' leader in France ? I think lots of people are relieved with the result for the moment...

I would like to express my congratulate as I owe this prise to Amiens being proud of it.