
A blog to remember Gilles Laurent, who died in Brussels Attack in the middle of making his film about Fukushima / this blog is organized by his wife Reiko Udo

ベルギーのプロデューサーからのメッセージ Message from Mr. Cyril Bybas, the producer in Belgium


This time I would like to introduce Mr. Cyril Bybas, who is a producer of Gilles' film.


He used to be the one that GIlles wanted to consult whenever there were some issues to discuss or problems to solve. I used to see Gilles' back speaking earnestly with him on skype at night many times.

ベルギーのお葬式で会った時、”We will finish the film ”(映画は完成させるからね)と、涙で湿ったせいで光る瞳で、私の手を固く握ってくれました。

When I met him at the funeral in Belgium, he told me "We will finishe the film. We will..." with tears in his eyes shaking my hands strongly.


It was the morning planned for all the staff to see the film from the beginninng to the last in the studio, as it was finally edit the day before. It was the day that Gilles did not appear. They waited for him for a long time. As long as forever. They were also wishing that Gilles would be found alive somewhere in one hospital. We shared the same kind of black moments for three or four days in separate places.


After knowing that Gilles was dead, they were not able to do almost anything for two weeks, I heard about it later. They knew they had to restart, but it took much time to do so because of the great shock.



We invited Cyril to Japan to participate in the screening at the Belgian Embassy in Tokyo on 14th of December. Here I introudce his speech made on that day.




The photo was provided by Mr. Koichi Kitano, from Asahi Newspaper Company. Taken at the office of Uzumasa company, some days after the screening at the Embassy.




Ladies, Gentlemen,



I am pleased, honoured and moved to be able to be here in Tokyo today, in the company of Reiko Udo, to present to you the film by Gilles Laurent, “The Abandoned Land”.



For we who knew Gilles, his tragic disappearance during the attacks of March 22nd in Brussels will be forever engraved in our hearts. In addition to our memory of him as a man demanding of himself, curious about everything and everyone, a humanist, the film he has left us is a wonderful way of keeping alive his memory and carrying his message forward.



Gilles was a talented sound engineer and worked with acclaimed filmmakers across the world.

Gilles and I met when he left film school in Brussels. He worked as sound engineer on several documentaries that I produced. When Gilles came to me in 2014 with his first film project as director, I was both happy in the trust he placed in me and convinced that his approach to filmmaking would be a rigorous one.



It is when he was looking into the consequences of the nuclear accident of Fukushima before settling in Tokyo with his wife and two daughters, that Gilles heard about Matsumura San, Naoto Matsumura, who became one of the protagonists of his film.



“The Abandoned Land” is not a film “about Fukushima”, it is a film about being attached to the land, our connection with our traditions, but also a film about how we position ourselves as citizens in the face of catastrophes like that of Fukushima or Chernobyl.

To quote Gilles: “This doesn’t prevent me from approaching this project as an activist, in acceptance of activism, which is dear to my heart, where individual action anticipates collective action.”



Gilles’ film recently won two awards in France. It is being presented at European festivals.

Many spectators came to see the film in cinemas in Brussels, Belgium, last October and November. Those who see this film identify with these few intractable Japanese who live on a contaminated land, amidst the radiation. They understand the extent to which the technology developed by man to produce energy can also be a threat to themselves and their children.



In the famous Alain Resnais film, “Hiroshima, My Love”, Eiji Okada tells Emmanuelle Riva: “You have seen nothing in Hiroshima.” This phrase could serve here. Among the animals and beautiful nature surrounding Tomioka, Matsumara San could say to us: “You have seen nothing in Fukushima.”



While the danger is invisible today, it is nevertheless well and truly present, and it will continue to be a reality for future generations. I am therefore very happy that this film can be seen today in Japan and wish to warmly thank Reiko Udo for her efforts, and the work of Mr. Kazuyoshi Okuyama(TEAM OKUYAMA) and Mr. Shanshiro Koayashi (UZUMASA) for the distribution of the film in Japan.



Finally, I wish to thank the Ambassador for welcoming us here today.

Thank you again, Gilles, for having made this film.

I wish you a pleasant screening.


