映画館はコクーン。Cinema is a cocoon.
I appreciate the fact that the film is spoken a lot on newspapers and TVs because the story surrounding it is already 'a story'. But at the same time I am afraid that the quality of the film always becomes like a third topic.
At the same time I wonder if people feel pressure because they have to face and think about a lot of problems, knowing the location Fukushima and the loss of director's life. Then maybe they feel they cannot 'enjoy' the film and hesitate to go to the theater.
But there is one thing I would like to insist. This film is a film which you can purely enjoy as a film. And its genuine quality is not a warning or punishment, but is a healing. So I would really like to recommend to go to the theater. Perhaps you can feel even energetic more than after being inside an oxigen cupsule.
The experience is close to be inside a cradle. You are there to open your eys of heart, and listen to the sound. This is an old-fashioned way of saying, but it is like a virtual reality...
There is no back ground music, no narrations. It just appeals to your five senses. That is why lots of people say this documentary film is not pushy at all. The rhythm is quite slow but on the other hand you cannot stop watching and never becomes sleepy. You wonder how this will end, and you are surprised to witness the ending and cannot move for a while... But you realise that you feel re-born and are able to come back to this real world.
It is an experience of the body coming back to the status of a baby gradually. Your five senses are sharper, and you feel your cells or even DNAs are now back in good positions.
A while ago, I called this film as 're-born machine of Gilles Laurent'. But now it is already an old idea. This film can even be a re-born machine for the people who watch it. Separated from the daily business and obligational feelings about problems, you can re-face the world calmly with refreshed feelings. The world that has lots of problems, but at the same time lots of beautiful things.
To remember of your natural five senses is to be connected with the world in a new way, with confidence in yourself. I dare to say it is even to be happier. I have experienced this feeling already as one audience many times. Well, I must say I felt sleepy briefly finally when I was watching it for the eighth time.
I would like people to experience this 'cocoon' feeling. There could be a little bit of pain, but it is similar to have a vaccination of heart. One day this film was spoken in one columns of a famous beauty magazine's website in Japan. It was actually thanks to courtesy of my publishing company, but maybe it was not a coincidence. To live with vivid five senses must lead to people's health and beauty as animals.
映画「残されし大地」は渋谷のシアター・イメージフォーラムにて4月7日(金)まで毎日、11:10〜及び21:10〜 上映中。